Preventative Maintenance Fire Mitigation Non-Destructive Non-Invasive |

Matt's Thermal Scanning

We utilise the latest Flir thermal cameras to find thermal anomalies indicative of an abnormal condition. Our cameras have high infrared resolution and excellent thermal sensitivity which speeds up the time to accurately analyse targets and find anomalies whether they be electrical hot spots, thermal inefficiencies or water leaks.

Thermal scanning is a powerful tool and a proven method for effective predictive maintenance, reducing costs and downtime by finding issues before they get out of hand.

Scroll further to see our range of thermal services and find out how we can protect your business/assets.

What is Thermal Scanning

Thermal Scanning, also known as thermal imaging or thermography, is a non-destructive method of testing which uses a thermal camera to measure temperature differences across a surface.

A Thermal Camera (Imager/Scanner) sensors heat across a surface of an object and converts the information into an image. This provides the Certified Thermographer with visuals and information needed to understand if an exception or anomaly exists either on, behind or inside the object being scanned.

An image can then be interpreted by a Certified Thermographer, who will distinguish between possible anomalies and camera ‘errors’.

A report will then be given to the client showing the priority and description of the findings and numerous thermal images/photos indicating whether or not an anomaly exists.

Thermal Imaging is non-destructive and non-invasive meaning your business can continue to operate as normal.

Our Services

Electrical Scanning Services

Electrical faults, often originating from switchboards due to various factors like aging components, poor installation, or excessive load, pose fire hazards. We conduct inspections every 3, 6, or 12 months, tailored to your business needs. Thermal scanning aids in early detection of faults, reducing the risk of fire and safeguarding investments. Opt for either a qualitative scan or a comprehensive report for insurance requirements. Thermal scanning can also lead to reduced insurance premiums by demonstrating proactive risk management..

- Switchboards
- Motors
- Inverters
- Battery and High Current DC Setups
- Heating and Cooling Services
- Solar Panels
- Appliances

Building Scanning Services

Thermal cameras are the perfect first response for building issues. It is non-destructive and non-invasive meaning next to no dismantling of structures or services in order to find faults or anomalies. Many issues present themselves as hot or cold thermal differences that can be detected and interpreted by a Certified Thermographer.

- Water Ingress/Egress
- Plumbing Leaks
- Building Defects Including, cracks and surface cavaties
- Energy Loss in building design (insualtion, window/door seal failure)
- Floor Heating
- Storage Hot Water Systems
- Solar Hot Water Systems
- Pool Heating Systems

Contact Us

Servicing South-East Queensland

0434 125 925